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Anniversary Story | Jul 27, 2017

Stress Relief

The economic downturn of 2008 and the resulting Great Recession hit the building industry as hard as any other in the US. To say that times were uncertain doesn’t begin to describe what so many experienced.

Despite being able to retain our entire workforce during those lean years, we didn’t necessarily make it through unscathed. There was plenty of pressure, and even more stress. Co-Chairmen Jim Millar and Brett Hitt recognized that and made it their mission to give team members an outlet for frustration.

One of the more creative approaches to that issue happened back in 2010, when Brett brought two old junker cars to the office and invited team members to join him in letting out a little aggression and frustration by way of a sledgehammer.

Over 75 team members smashed their way to stress relief that morning. While we haven’t taken a sledgehammer to any vehicles in the years since, we’re always on the lookout for ways to tap into what’s happening for our team members. Whether a situation calls for stress relief or celebration, our leadership is always right beside us.

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