Ziegler Cooper Architects
Houston, Texas
The new 25,000-sf office for Ziegler Cooper Architects is located in a unique and inspirational space on the third floor of the Bank of America Center in downtown Houston. Featuring 65-foot high cathedral ceilings over an open and collaborative studio, the space was designed to be a concept showroom to demonstrate the latest designs, planning, and furniture concepts in real-time to Clients.
The lobby atrium, or "Great Hall", accommodates approximately 100 seats, including five glass-fronted partner offices. A benching solution for open workspaces created the ability to add seating by removing the returns.
This centralization of the design studios places leadership in direct communication with professional staff, enhancing team collaboration. To encourage more creativity, the space also included museum-like display walls, technology-rich team rooms, a centrally located innovation lounge, and a Critics Corner.
Other project highlights include a generously sized reception area that anchors the conference center, two large flex training rooms, and a porcelain tile floor that connects the cafe and resource center.